Smart and Reliable Energy Soluions
Biogas generation – This game-changing biogas CHP plant features specially calibrated biogas engine, components and materials that are designed to be highly reliable, powerful and efficient.Our fully-customisable configurations range between 50kWe to 3,000 kWe and larger sizes available on request. These have the following industrial applications:
AG Biogas: Agricultural and dairy farm Biogas applications
W2E Biogas: Waste management and municipal Biogas projects
WWTP Biogas: Waste water treatment plant Biogas applications
LFG Biogas: Landfill gas to energy projects
The Avus is a high-performance combined heat and power plant for high electrical power requirements (from 400 kW), which is used in industrial projects or to supply heat grids.
Highly efficient power plant with optimised gas engine and lower fuel costs
As the authorised Australian 2G Partner, Evo’s cogeneration plants are electrically and thermodynamically superior. They are guaranteed to be more efficient than anything else on the market. Their biogas engines are a clean, low-emission and commercially attractive way to generate heat and power for a myriad of commercial applications.
The most durable and energy efficient biogas engine in its class
Smart and reliable energy solutions with combined heat and power
Proven reliability with 50% longer machine life expectancy
Lower your CO2 emissions by up to 90%
40% higher fuel economy and energy-efficiency compared to ultra low efficient micro turbines
Reduced O&M and very easy to service with minimal down time
Built with advanced and solid frame structure
High efficiency Biogas baseload engine
Simple plug and play connection ready cogeneration plant that is carefully constructed in one module
Fully integrated controls with proprietary electronic management