Mount Martha Water Recycling Plant to Have Roughly 40% of Electricity Demand Met

  • 21 July, 2020
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At the end of 2018, South East Water first procured a 2G Combined Heat and Power (CHP) unit from Evo Energy Technologies for installation at their Mount Martha Water Recycling Plant (WRP). The CHP arrived in March 2020 and has been lifted into its permanent location.

The custom-built 2G combined heat and power engine is the first of its kind within the South East Water network, and is a key tool in their strategy to minimise carbon emissions and meet their Emissions Reduction Pledge by 2025.

The cogeneration engine will help South East Water meet roughly 40 per cent of the electricity demand at their Mount Martha WRP, requiring less coal-produced power from the electricity grid, and help the environment by minimising carbon emissions.

The unit is a 2G 360kW Agenitor 408 Cogeneration unit in a 9.0m x 3.0m x 3.2m Super Silent (45dBa at 10m) Highline Container module, with two tank Activated Carbon biogas scrubbing systems for removal of H2S and siloxanes and a Gas Dehumidification System.

The Mount Martha WRP has two anaerobic digesters that operate a biological process whereby organic matter is converted to produce biogas (predominantly methane). The 2G CHP unit will then use all of the biogas (as well as natural gas) to not only produce heat for the treatment process, but also electricity that can be used elsewhere in the treatment plant.

The project is nearing its completion, requiring a final installation of mechanical and electrical equipment along with the construction of the natural gas main (to supplement the fuel demand of the CHP unit). Upon completion of construction, the commissioning phase will make sure the unit seamlessly operates within the existing treatment plant.

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