New Award: Bairnsdale WWTP

  • 26 September, 2022
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Evo Energy Technologies is currently working with East Gippsland Water, replacing their existing generator and heat pumps on site with a 2G 80kW Combined Heat and Power (CHP) solution which will supply almost all of the plant’s electrical usage with the capacity to export a large amount of electricity to the grid as well as to provide the thermal requirements of the digesters on site.

In 2018 East Gippsland Water committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2050, and another accelerated goal of being powered 100% by renewable energy by 2025.

EvoET’s CHP solution, once operational is expected to offset the entirety of the site’s electrical use (around 206MWh), with the possibility of exporting 345MWh of electricity back to the grid, and meet 100% of the site’s thermal requirements.

East Gippsland Water are leading the way to a sustainable future and are well on their way to reaching their goal of zero emissions by powering their BWTP off renewable energy.

For more information on the project, view our project page here. 

waste expo 2022